Helping Her Shine

In the spirit of International Women’s Day, we’re the celebrating the strength, resilience, and achievements of three incredible women of Helpling Singapore.

Naw May Be Htoo, 35, Helpling Trainer  

Originally from Myanmar, May started her career in Singapore as a domestic helper before joining Helping as a housekeeper and now a certified trainer. 


Would you like to tell us about yourself? 

“My name is May. When I was 15, I had to quit school and start working because my mother and sister were sick. I worked as a domestic helper in Myanmar but life there was very hard. Then I decided to come to Singapore. Although the work is hard, the pay is much better and I can send the money to my family for hospital fees. They’re much better now!”


What’s the main difference between being a domestic helper & a part-time housekeeper?

“I get to grow new skills and learn from a lot of different customers and see so many things. I also get to practise English by listening to how other people explain things. I am very lucky that the customers I have met are very nice to me! ” 


Do you enjoy what you’re doing?

“Yes! Helpling is very good, they do a lot of training here. I love learning about new things during training. I learn communication and how to speak to the customers. I learn about location and how to travel around Singapore. Right now, I’m also learning how to use the computer. For me, this is very useful.” 


How do you overcome challenges at work?

“I like to do things with all my heart. Even if it’s hard, it’s okay. I will always try my best. My Helpling customers usually see that I give my heart, so they also treat me in the same way with a lot of kindness.”


What advice do you have for other women? 

“I want to tell other women like myself to not be scared. It’s hard and not easy but don’t be scared to put themselves out there. Just step out of your comfort zone, try and learn something new!”

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Liang May, 42, Mum Of Two 

Liang May is a stay home mum of two & a content creator who has been with Helpling for the past 4 years.


How did you get started with Helpling SG? 

During the circuit breaker, there was a lot going on with the kids at home 24/7. It was a really stressful period. Helpling relieved a lot of the household chores and anxiety during that time. Nowadays, when my children come home from school, they can even tell when our housekeeper comes and they love it!” 


How is your relationship with your housekeeper? 

“NiNi is my long-term housekeeper and I love working with her. She’s also a mother and her first-born is the same age as mine. We both relate to each other and we can even talk about our struggles. I really appreciate and enjoy the conversations that we have.”


Was there a particularly memorable moment? 

“One day NiNi told me that she had been promoted to a trainer and I was so happy for her. She told me that she’s going to learn new skills and even learn how to use the computer. I’m really proud of her and I’m so glad to see Helpling supporting the housekeepers.”


How has your experience as a stay home mum been? 

“It has been very fulfilling being a stay home mum and I get to spend a lot of time with my kids. But my me-time is pretty much non-existent. By the time the kids are put to sleep, I’ll try to watch TV just to clock-in some “quiet time”. When Helpling is here, I’m able to take the time to focus on myself and this is really precious to me.” 


Is there any advice you’d like to give other mums? 

“I think a lot of times it seems like stay home mums have no excuses because this is our job. But there are days where we don’t really feel like doing the housework or mothering! Well, we’re allowed to feel tired. We’re allowed to feel like we need space to calibrate. And it’s really okay to reach out for part-time help. Getting away from the business and mental load gives us the space to rediscover ourselves. Then we’re also able to provide for the family and give them our emotional support.”

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Qin Wen Ho, Operations Manager, 27

Operations manager Qin Wen joined Helpling Singapore as her first career, learning the ropes to everything from recruitment to people management. 


How has your experience at Helpling been? 

“It has been a very empowering experience in a way where it has provided me with opportunities to explore lots of different aspects of work. It grew me as a professional and as an individual. I learnt how to deal with changing situations and circumstances.”


What’s the most challenging part of your job? 

“It’s definitely the experience of people management. People come with different flavours. It’s the manager’s role to blend everything together and bring it all together and help to create value for everyone, and the company.” 


What was one of the most memorable moments you’ve had?

“A very young mum who was struggling with postpartum wanted to restart her career, and earn income for her family. As her manager, I understood this and I wanted to give her the time and space to grow. And ultimately, she said that she grew a lot in resilience and her perspective about life.”


What do you find most fulfilling about your job?

“I think we really get the opportunity to try something new or create something new for ourselves. Our company’s culture and value system is really strong and emphasises upskilling and progression. Gender is never part of the equation. It is always about what you bring to the table.”


What do you hope for Helpling to inspire? 

“I love that Helpling is able to support women from countries like Myanmar or India where there might be fewer opportunities for growth. I hope that women are able to break the expectations and rules that they’ve to follow. Through Helpling, I hope that they can break out of that mould and set themselves up to a different path and most importantly, have a fulfilling life.”


What advice would you like to give to other women? 

“I would love for women to find their community to set them up for success. I wouldn’t have been able to get to where I am today without the many women who helped me along the way and shared their valuable experience. I hope that women out there can find their own communities to enable them, empower them and celebrate them.”